Chat Booper

Chat Booper

Booper is an AI tool that allows users to embed a custom chat widget on their website, enabling them to communicate directly with their users from Discord.

To get started, users need to connect to their Discord server and install the Booper bot. They can then select the specific channel they want to use and import Booper's React library into their application.

The chat widget provided by Booper is designed to be user-friendly and easy to integrate.

It has a sleek design with customizable appearance. Users can send and receive messages, and the widget supports emoji reactions for engaging interactions.

Booper's React library is necessary to integrate the chat widget into web applications.

The library allows users to implement features such as scrolling through chat history, sending and receiving messages, and updating the chat interface. Booper's chat widget is compatible with popular web development frameworks and technologies.

However, it currently only supports React. The provided code example assumes the use of TailwindCSS for styling. Overall, Booper offers a convenient solution for website owners to interact with their users through a live chat interface connected to Discord.

With its easy integration process and customization capabilities, it provides a seamless communication channel between websites and Discord servers.

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